This amusing incident happened on the way back from a fishing match. It was customary to tip the driver by having a collection among the men but Cliff Hodgetts had the idea that if we had a raffle and gave a cash prize to the winner the rest could go to the driver. This was agreed and for several matches this took place. All the men that bought a raffle ticket would declare that their number would be the winner and jovial banter would always ensue.
One particular man was always more certain that he was the winner and loud in this declaration. On this particular day I said to Cliff “ Lets have a bit of fun with Clarie, I’ll tell him I am certain to be the winner today. You back me up and leave the rest up to me.” We sold the tickets as normal and on reaching Clarie who as usual declared he was to be the winner I said. ‘Sorry Clarie but I am the certain winner today and I am 100% sure." This really got Clarie going “ No one can be that sure,‘ said Clarie. “But I am Clarie" l said “ And you can draw the ticket and I will have it.”
After we had sold the men their tickets I asked Cliff to lend me his hat to put the duplicate tickets in ready to make the draw and then made my way down to Clarie. “Now chaps "I declared “ l have told Clarie that I have the winning ticket and he doesn’t believe me so to prove that there is no fiddle I ’m letting him draw the winner.” I shook the cap and held it up in the air over Clarie and asked him to draw a ticket out. Smiling and confident that I would be proved wrong Clarie reached up, put his hand in the cap and drew out a number. “33!” Declared Clarie and looked at me with a smile. “Okay' I shouted “Who has got number 33?” No one said anything and all were looking at me. “Come on someone must have 33” Still no-one said anything. “Come on then Jack lets have a look at your ticket” Said Cliff.
At this Clarie started to suspect that we were working a trick between us. “ Hold on a minute let me have Jack’s ticket.” All the men on the bus were very interested in the events now so taking my raffle ticket out of my pocket I handed it to Clarie. Very slowly he undid my ticket “Come on Clarie what is his number.” the men shouted. Clarie looked at me “ I don’t believe it, number bleeding 33!” All the men cheered and laughed at the look of disbelief on Claries face. “I know it’s a trick“ said Clarie “But how did you do it?”
I undid the cap holding the tickets and asked Clarie to look inside. “ No wonder you won there aren’t any more tickets in the cap.” At this everyone had another laugh. Clarie had not realised there was only one ticket in the hat and as soon as he touched something he grabbed it and
of course it was my counterfoil.
The draw was then done properly and as usual I did not win.
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